Unity Campus Choir (UCC) united believers on campus back then (in the mid 90s) as they came together in one accord to pray, study the word, encourage one another and lift up holy hands and voices to worship and bring down the glory of God through music ministrations.
I am happy to hear testimonies of greater exploits that God is still doing in this day and age through UCC. It can only get better!
In retrospect, I remember I always looked forward to the early morning and Sunday evening prayers and this has tremendously shaped and strengthened my personal prayer sessions with God.
Back then, through continual gathering to pray, study of the word and bringing our personal worship experiences together in one accord, I understood that worship is not just words but a heartfelt expression of reverence and adoration to God. There was always an evidence of God's presence when we met. This uplifted my spiritual life and gave me a new sense of focus.
Through UCC I was able to use worship as a strategy to fight the battles of life by focusing on God who is able to deal with every situation.
We must continually put emphasis on the need to live a lifestyle of a worshipper by demonstrating God's faithfulness through our words and actions.
As true believers we must live in worship all the time Rom 12 :1-2. As we present our bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God - this is our spiritual act of worship. We must also not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Then we will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will.
My advice to students on campus in this day and age is that they should draw closer to God by serving Him with their time, talent, energy and resources. More than ever before there is no better time to hold tenaciously to God than now ; Luke 10:27, Eccl 12:1.
Secondly they should pray for grace to know and fulfil God's purpose for their lives.
Eph 1:18.
Thirdly, as much as they are on campus to study, they should also be focused on God's calling upon their lives Heb12:2. Jesus endured the cross because of the joy that was set before Him. He remained focused. They should not be distracted by the things of this world but hold unswervingly to the hope they profess.
Heb 10:23; for God is faithful and true and will always keep His words as a perfect father.