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UCC Vision


"Teach and encourage students to be productive and fruitful in the wisdom and knowledge of God and inspiring them through gospel music to fulfil God's eternal purpose and plan for their lives."



Unity campus choir was birthed in 1993 under the auspices of Royal Vine and Branches Inc, now known as O2G Foundation (Oil of Gladness Foundation).


The mission of Unity Campus Choir is to teach, encourage and inspire students to discover their God given talents  and use them to serve people and honour God; "wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God which is in thee by the putting on of my hands   (2 Timothy 1:6)."


The vision was birthed out of a season of travail and a search for meaning and purpose. John 15:5,16 was a sure word of comfort and healing. The vision was prophetic and underpinned by the assurances of Isaiah 60:22 and Isaiah 61:3,6 and 9. 


Aims and Objectives



To teach, encourage and inspire students to discover their God given talents  and use them to serve people and honour God.


The vision was written in line with Habakuk 2:2 "Write the vision and make it plain, so that he that reads it may run with it."


The garment of praise has been passed on from one UCC generation to another, like a cloak, divinely tailor-made for the next generation.  


Thank God for our faith in Jesus Christ who has deposited treasures in earthen vessels. Thank God for the Oil of Gladness; it does not cease, it never runs dry and is still pouring  and flowing in the streets and corners of the world.




  1. Create a multi-denominational platform for the mentoring and nurturing of talents and inherent gifts.

  2.  Establish a platform for leadership training and personal development.

  3. Organise evangelical musical outreach programmes.

  4. Raise an alter of thanksgiving, praise worship and celebration on the University campus declaring the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvellous light. 

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